Export Smart is “The Export Community Platform” in Egypt that cohesively connects the Export Community together, creating growth opportunities and disseminating knowledge related to all Export Business Development activities, with the final objective of growing the Egyptian exports.


Export Smart's annual event is the one and only annual event where all Export related stakeholders meet, interact, discuss challenges, and explore opportunities. The idea of the event is to consolidate existing business relationships and nurture new ones in all exporting sectors through showcasing the diverse export related services. Export Smart is connecting exporters with service providers who would help them put their business growth on a faster track.


Our vision for Export Smart is to be the preferred Export Community Platform in the Middle East and Africa, a One Stop Shop that contributes to a sustainable export growth for SMEs from different sectors, while expanding into more territories locally and internationally, with a larger participation of different stakeholders.


Our mission is to support the enhancement of the trade enabling environment in Egypt and facilitate access to markets by gathering all the export community under one roof, connecting SMEs to business development service providers, government institutions and development agencies. We aspire to achieve this while growing the number of exporters as well as export service providers in the Egyptian market.


A special space will be created, where each exhibitor will have a table to promote their services and communicate with different event delegates. Companies, also invited government and international organizations would have an opportunity to meet exhibitors to understand their services better.


A space for networking between all delegates of the event, and also invited government and international organizations so that they would have an opportunity to meet with all stakeholders and get the needed exposure for them to expand their business platform.

Specially designed conference with speakers/ panelists carefully chosen to address the different opportunities/ challenges that face the SMEs and the different sectors topics of interest. The theme of the conference will change every year to match the needs of the business growth and potential exposure for the SMEs.




​Go Global is an international business development firm that has been helping Egyptian exporters and exporters-to-be to grow and expand internationally. Since 2013, Go Global has been the trusted partner for Development agencies and Trade Support institutions in their export development programs. During our journey we have served hundreds of SMEs from different sectors through our array of services. Now Go Global became the Go-To advisor for the companies, offering referrals and linkages to different service providers to help them achieve their export growth. This is where the idea of EXPORT SMART came from.


Trade Reform and Development in Egypt (TRADE) Activity is a five-year project (2021-2026) funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that aims to increase Egypt’s international trade by boosting exports from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by $225 million over the next five years. To achieve its objectives USAID TRADE partners with private sector stakeholders as well government agencies, including the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the National Food Safety Authority, to increase Egyptian exports in six sectors: engineering products, food processing, home textiles, ready-made garments, chemicals, and building materials. The project also helps to reduce trade and investment barriers and strengthens the trade support institutions, such as trade associations and Export Councils, that will enhance the export capacity of SMEs. The USAID TRADE – GoGlobal partnership contributes to the project’s sustainability efforts as GoGlobal aims to position itself as a major player and ongoing force connecting SME exporters with service providers.